Vita:Blender 3D
Új téma nyitásaHa szeretnél velünk érintkezni megteheted a Blender 3D – nem hivatalos magyar oldalán - ami sajnos megszűnt, helyette a Fóruma alatt vagyunk. - E bejegyzést módosította stewet - 2014. január 01. (A bejegyző a Blender Kuckó és a főszerkesztője, és e bejegyzésért garanciát vállal!)
Hibás lapnevek
[szerkesztés]A lapok nevei átmozgatandóak kettőspont helyett perjeles változatra az elnevezési irányelv alapján. (Ami most épp a Segítség/Hogyan használd az átirányítást? lapon tanyázik, de ezt használjuk. FBöbe 2005. december 30., 13:55 (CET)
- Átmozgatttam, most minden a Blender 3D allapja. FBöbe☼ 2006. június 1., 15:11 (CEST)
A lapról áthozva
[szerkesztés]A törlési javaslatot a vitalapon szoktuk indokolni, ezért áthoztam KeFe bejegyzését. FBöbe 2005. december 30., 14:23 (CET)
- Ez nem könyv és még reklámot is tartalmaz (KeFe)
Angolra fordítva
[szerkesztés]Blender 3D
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Welcome everyone Hungarian book on Blender 3D wiki software. Please send your opinions, criticism on the talk page. Also welcome enthusiastic translators, writers us.
A picture of the 2:36 version of Blender
Blender is a 3D modeling and animation program. Free software that is free to download from the official site (here), where the major platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD) in version. On the same page a huge amount of description, guidelines, documentation is located. Unfortunately, they are all written in English. This is exactly why wikis book was born. We want your job easier fordításainkkal Hungarian users, both private and írásainkkal.
The latest version: 2.6
Download (32 and 64 bits) The latest version includes new features - Release Logs
History [edit]
Ton Roosendaal founded by Dutch studio NeoGeo by Blender in 1995. After the dissolution of the NaN (Not a Number) took over development in 1998. In 2001, the company has changed and looking for a new market, it has become interactive web design, eventually went bankrupt. The improvements (such as Blender well) was stopped.
Blender at that time a lot of error and shortcoming was. The problem is trying to find Roosendaal Blender Foundation, founded. It was a not-for-profit company continued the task Blender development of free software. Could the "Free Blender" action to collect the necessary amount of EUR 100,000 by the end of 2002, so they bought the source code. Since then, under the Blender GNU GPL (General Public License) belongs.
It is interesting that the amount of money we managed to get in record time (7 weeks), and after the birth of the Blender Foundation 8 months already reached the first and most important goal. The development is still going on, a lot of innovation, functionality and expanding the Blender version to version.
Pages [edit]
Wikibooks conditions
Hotkeys - Keyboard Shortcuts Reference Helps Hungary - Hungarian, Hungarian translation aids
Links [edit]
List of Hungarian-language educational materials Hungarian sites Foreign sites Textures, materials, models Graphite study group animation Foreign Language Tutorials Blender documentation translation